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Human Resources Policies
The Human Resources management of our company focuses on the collaborative work of individuals as a team. Instead of focusing on knowledge and experience as a resources, we promote the special dynamics of the team as a unit. Working together is the key to the company. When a company grows,employees will be promoted to key roles in the organization. In addition,our HR philosophy has five principles : merit, equal opportunity,capabilities, knowledge and security.
Our Policies are based on the following:
- Friendship within Partnership
- Fairness within Business
- Enjoyment within Employment
- Companion
- Intellect
- Getting Ahead

Training and Education
We periodically schedule workshops and training seminars to improve performance and safety. Some of our recent projects included the following :
1) Total Quality Management (TQM) Training.
Making quality products is our top mission. Our first step in TQM is to ensure that employees understand our corporate mission and also their individual roles in implementing the mission. To consistently manufacture quality products, every component must achieve the high quality standard and each employee must perform at the highest possible potential. This is the message we deliver in many workshops and training programs : that every task is vital to the quality of the product.
2) Critical Thinking Workshop.
Personnel are critical factors that bring success to the enterprise. The idea is to remove the barriers that result in damage to the company to penetrate deeper without knowing it. Good ideas need to see the light and be shared and evaluated; creativity can improve a process or develop a new process.
3) Safety in The Workplace.
We operate a variety of safety training, including our general safety committee, accident prevention and response, and disaster preparation.
4) Internal Audit.
The company has been certified ISO 9001 : 2008 quality authentication in a preliminary it is necessary to make the product quality within the organization to succeed. Personnel to achieve the knowledge, skills and quality assurance ISO 9001 : 2008 organization well. Can detect errors, primarily in the organization to be resolved in accordance with ISO 9001 : 2008 Internal Auditor to make it happen.
5) Industrial processing.
We provide periodic training in response to new developments in the industry. Chief among our programs is aluminum hand brazing.
The company supports and promotes occupational health and safety management systems in the work environment in accordance with the laws of the country as well as international standards, subject to monitoring and review, and updated periodically.
We are working towards to achieve the ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 to ensure the safety of our employees and also ensure that we are doing our best to protect our environment.
1. Assistance to flooded families and communities.
Our headquarters and #1 factory is located in the Bangkoowad District of Pathumthani province, which has been severely affected by the tragic flood of October 2011. Many of our families have suffered greatly from damaged homes and communities. We are currently operating a small food and water distribution center to aid the local community; we look forward to leading efforts at rebuilding.
2. Support of children.
Thailand observes National Children’s Day on the 2nd Saturday of January. The company makes contributions to support local governments in our communities, and we make other contributions to agencies that request assistance. The intent of the organization that would like to participate in society. Activities for children and youth are the future of the nation. Have the opportunity to participate in activities that benefit them as the basis for the development of country.
3. Sports Community Relations.
Cooperation to build relationships in the community is one of the company. Realized through the relationship with the people in the community. And to show up ready to become a great friend to the community. So every time the community’s cooperation. We will always show the intent to participate. The task of building relationships in the community sports SAO Cup football the company’s staff and budget support in a friendly competition to deal with the community.
4. Energy Conservation.
It is the policy of the Company to reduce the use of energy, both to save costs but also as a matter of social conscience. Global warming is something that we recognize and therefore, we promote energy conservation.